Swimming Cities and the Chicken Hut present
on January 29 at 169 Spencer St. (at Willoughby)
with live performances by THE WOES, Morgan O'Kane, Apocalypse Five & Dime, and Jackson Lynch, as well as lots of live banjo in the backroom boxcar lounge stage.
Come live the easy life off the fat of our good land with Swimming Cities at the Chicken Hut as we ramble all night with raucous, foot-stompin, soul-shaking, life-affirming, live tunes at the BIG ROCK CANDY MOUNTAIN, A Hobo's Paradise. Featuring a live free-to-enter banjo pick-off with hobo-rection-o-meter, a whiskey fountain (free until 10pm), cigarette trees, the biggest pot of slumgullion you ever did see, a first class box car lounge, lemonade springs, hobo awards, dumpster jumping for fabulous prizes and a late-night dirty dance floor with DJ Dirtyfinger. also featuring DJ Tinseltown
$10 at the door, 9pm-late
if you want to enter the banjo contest, e-mail theoceanofblood@gmail.com for details--free entry with banjo and two drink tickets to warm you up before you enter the boxcar stage. bottla whiskey prize!